Saturday, July 01, 2006

Civilizations Trolla-lolla-la

A cow's breath:
burst of steam in the air
a slave to farmer Joe
And his cool cruel suction machines

Meanwhile back at the ranch:
you laugh
not hysterical
a chuckle - robotic
bathed in blue light

(W)holstein, deprived of pasture
Cow: "QUACKquackQUACK"
Dead and dying
inside fat-pot-bellies
Fasting unheard of
Shuffling in stalls where
you grasp something

O weary beasts of old:
glue stick
down and down

O lo how this has happened you shall never know
But now you must escape
When pigs fly
Or bulls take to the streets

Something tangibly hot:
milk in dead jugs
Xargniflox and Chuck
the mighty ones
and all the others
Suckle at your teats
like helpless pink babies

Distostrophy -- Fill It In

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Neighborhoods Trolla-lolla-la

hot cow milk laps at the dead jug
you laugh
not hysterical
but subtle (QUACKquackQUACK)
and shuffle feet
quietly away from this place
dead and dying on fat fasting planes
of alter-reality

you know in your mindbrain that
Xarnigflox has captured your medium
and is in the restraining processes
o lo how this has happened you shall never know
but now you must
excapa, as they might say
down and down
twirling down through plane
after plane after plane
of existence
until you can
grasp something
tangibly hot, like milk in a dead jug,
to pull yourself up
and create terrible strength
to fight

A Cup Runneth Over and Over (and Over)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Not art you say

touching softly the manhole / a pink cake collapses
writing on the underside of furry pouch / interdisc...
handle the piston / interdisciplinary
back of a hot-rod / bring bagels for everyone then, putz
bologna of thought / a sausage of pink thrust
a quick fix / a punch bold cock blast cold
rock and roll waste band / on a regular schedule
blood, sweat, and numbness / proper forms and mailers
text, secs., and tachycardia / shuffling with black coffee

something a little less pretentious? / to start things off